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To Eat Or Not to Eat?

Have you ever given thought to how our vocal muscles, larynx, diaphragm, mouth, lungs, and body posture work together to produce our individual musical instrument when we sing? Singing utilizes all of this that we must learn how to control in unison!

Although I have never received formal vocal training (although I will be investing in some lessons to increase my range and stamina) I have learned since performing from March that simple techniques in breathing, word shaping and posture affects how our voice sounds exponentially. I also learned through research and talking to other singer-songwriters that FOOD affects our vocal abilities. All the foods that I LOVE to eat such as ice-cream, cheese, chocolate and yogurt, carbs, sugar unfortunately do NOT help my vocal chords. There are some food items I'm not so sure about and would like to ask my fellow singer-songwriters:

1) What do you eat and not eat before a show?

2) How long do you avoid these food?


Dairy Products

I am very sad about this because for those who know me knows how much I LOVE ICE-CREAM and currently I am on a greek yogurt obsession but this is one food group that 100% hinders my voice. It creates this massive production of mucous coat that I cannot get rid of. Living here in #YEG we are already so dry that my body overproduces excess phlegm (just because you guys needed to know that), I avoid this family 24 hours before a gig. :(


I don't particularly consume a lot of candy but what I do like are desserts, cakes, and spoonfuls of honey in my tea and drink orange juice like crazy. Honey can provide the soothing aspect if you have a sore throat but like dairy products overly sugary foods hangs around in the throat and "brings up" excess phlegm. A "carb crash" may also occur if you don't have enough fibre and protein to balance it out that weakens your vocal chords once the sugar rush has passed.


Good thing I'm not a coffee drinker (but I do like to occasionally indulge in seasonal drinks such as Pumpkin Spice Latte and Chai Lattes..mmmm). Caffeine is a diuretic and makes you urinate more often and dehydrates your body. It also dries out your vocal chords which is not a good idea because your voice requires lubrication (as with most working machinery if you think about it) to work well. Caffeine is also a vasoconstrictor which means it "tightens" your vocal chords and restricts your vocal range and indirectly puts extra pressure that may lead to vocal damage. YIKES!

Fried Foods

I don't eat a lot of fried foods but I of course do have my guilty pleasures that find me craving something fried. Anything prepared in a lot of oil will build up in your vocal chords. Be sure to stay away from these types of food not just for your vocals but for your overall health - let's help our Happy Cholesterol win over the Lousy Cholesterol!


I remember seeing singers at the Red Piano dualing Piano show (AHHH-MAZING) drink beers before and during their sets. When I was still starting out, I had a beer before sets to try to calm my nerves but what I was actually doing was drying out my throat. Mixed drinks are also "dangerous" because they are made with sugary juices and sodas! I don't drink much but on the rare occasion that I do, I'll save it for after my set!

Spicy Food

I love spicy food even though my tolerance has gone down as I grew older but I love adding a bit of spice to my food whenever I can. But these caliente flavour can actually irritate the vocal chords and do more harm especially if consumed before your set. Save it for later!

Our bodies also need food for energy especially to get it in gear before your set! Remember it's not just your vocals doing the work but it's your whole body so you do need to eat to make sure you have enough fuel to get you through your set and deliver an amazing set! You need to eat a good meal but not so much where you're feeling overstuffed so that you can't breathe (story of my life) or you feel nauseous.


Fresh Fruits/Veggies

Instead of drinking your fruits, opt for the real and whole fruits where you will be getting more fibre, vitamins and antioxidants. Whole fruits also won't be filled with processed sugars and cause as quickly the carb crash that juices can. Vegetables will also provide the fibre, vitamins (VITAMIN A) that are found in dark, leafy greens such as kale and spinach, "yellow fruits and veggies" such as potatoes, yams, mangoes and peaches required for vocal stamina and also for overall good health.

(White) Protein

Protein is essential for stamina, muscle and tissue healing and energy. Chicken and fish are "lean" protein which means it it fills you up, burn longer, and keep your vocal chords from being overwhelmed with fat and oils. Consider baking or broiling fish to avoid use! Another source of protein is nuts! Opt for unsalted or lightly salted options to prevent the salt from drying out your vocal chords.

Room Temperature Water

Something so basic and trivial but yet we take for granted and don't take seriously enough of. Hydration is critical especially because our vocal chords is one of the last part of the body that gets hydrated. Room temperature NOT cold water because cold water will constrict our vocal chords. It isn't something that you do hours before your set - instead you need to increase your water intake days in advanced before your show - so let's strive for "water-like" appearance in our urine fellow singer-songwriters!

Decaf Teas

I'm not a coffee drinker but definitely a tea drinker! I love winding down a busy day with a cup of steaming hot non-caffeinated tea to relax and warm up especially during our colder season. Another interesting food for thought through my research is that licorice root can actually help improve your voice - the scientific term is "demulcent" that forms a protective layer over the throat to give greater flexibility and vocal ranges. Going to be very hard for me as licorice is not my choice of flavour but if it helps my voice, then why not!

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