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CALGARY ARE YOU READY?! Only 3 days away till November 16 when the festival kicks off and I don't know about you but I am ready and super stoked! I am extremely humbled and honoured (I could say this over and over again) to be a part of such a powerful movement that brings inspiration and awareness about what it means to be a woman in today's day and age!

I will be kickin' off the "Femme Wave All-Day, All-Ages Show Crawl Brunch" on November 18 at 10am at the Sidewalk Citizen Bakery where for $25, you will devour a delicious brunch and I will be servin' up a side of R&B/Neosoul music flavour when sharing my songs from my CONNECTIONS EP. But please DO NOT just stop there! The festival features a plethora list of amazing musicians, comedians, visual artists, and workshops! Click on the festival's icon below to bring you to the website for more information!

To add to my last 2 blogs of women empowerment artists and songs, I will be rounding it off with this week's list to get you all excited for FEMME WAVE 2017 CALGARY November 16-19, 2017!

1) "Nothing In Between (Bitch) - Meredith Brooks (1997)

I vividly remember the first time I heard this song. I was still listening to HK (Hong Kong) pop (a genre that I don't listen to anymore) and haven't discovered R&B/Soul music yet, & my English was still pretty broken despite being born and raised in YEG. But I remember singing the chorus perfectly without a clue knowing what the song was about. But today I know exactly what Meredith Brooks was trying to target. It was a celebration of ALL WOMEN. Women occupies many different roles daily and this song acknowledges all types of women from the timid and sweet, to sassy and mean, from mom to wild thang without being ashamed! Can you hear the chorus - because I sure can!

2) "Phenomenal Woman" - Olivia Newton-John (2005)

This song strongly aligns with what I am working towards to help our younger generation of girls achieve, especially with today's societal and social media pressures that it imposes on young girls. "Phenomenal Woman" stresses that being a confident female does not require physical beauty or public announcements to get attention or validate worth. A confident female can inspire and captivate the masses because her love tank for others but most importantly for herself is overflowing - she knows her own identity and Olivia Newtown-John reveals just how to do it in this uplifting song.

3) "I am Woman" - Helen Reddy (1972)

Saving the best for last and that is exactly what I've waited for this week's blog to do. To introduce the song that leads all women empowerment and uplifting music that came after it to conclude the build up to FEMME WAVE 2017. Although I was not born yet when "I am Woman" came out, little did Helen Reddy know that this song will remain timeless and a testament to celebrate being woman! This song describes women's progressive civil rights march forward and once an anthem for the women's liberation movement, "I am Woman" is about our constant journey and powerful connection with one another. GIRL POWER INDEED!!

Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of amazing and selfless males and I am so happy to see them partnered with some of my best friends. But as I grow older and more involved in the world, I have become more aware of the gender inequality that still exists. I hope to level the "playing field" between male and female and I truly feel that by doing so, we will make the world a better place! And YOU have all the power to do that too so....


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