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Writer's Block VS. Inspiration

For some reason Writer's Block always seem to get the upper hand. This is why it takes me months to write ONE song. Most of my friends know that I am a horrible communicator - trying to explain a story or describe a dress and telling a joke is a joke for me! (Hahaha good one Natalia!) Regardless, although Writer's Block occur more often than I'd like it to, I find myself saying "DAAYYUMM guuurll! Your lyrics are good even though it took you years to write them!" -- and with the exception of some grammatical errors but it's intentional because it has to fit within the melodic rhythms of the music. This blog was actually "inspired" from an Instagram post by my producer, Justin aka. Dunna who asked his followers and fellow singer/songwriters what inspires each of us! So here are my top 5 ways I use to help Inspiration win over Writer's Block.

"Back to May 23/17 when Inspiration was clearly winning!"

1) Life Experiences

A singer-songwriter is a story teller. We write about our lives - events that brings out the greatest happiness or sadness from within us, the people we meet, the places we travel, the food we eat, the hardships that we go through all known as our life experiences! We cram all that we want to say into 3-4 minutes and hope that 1 stranger can relate to what we went through. For me I write about events/a particular moment in my life that in turn brings out my emotions - extreme emotions. Being brave to revisit the hurt, the anger, the urge, the happiness is the secret to capturing the "screenshot of when it all happened". Unfortunately for me recent events got me feelin' really down but I am currently channeling all that emotion into my new music, my new self and new album! I'm waiting for my Adele, Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson moment! KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS PEELED!

2) Going on new adventures/new experiences!

New adventures/experiences that scare you in particular! I'm one to talk because I'm a HUGE chicken-shit. (It took me 8 years to finally do this music thing!) I finally went snorkeling when I was in Cuba earlier this month - yes, I have a fear of sea creatures but my friends forced me to conquer my fear of real life Nemos and Dorys. I am super proud of myself for doing it but would I do it again? HELL NAWW! But I can easily write a song about my snorkeling experience because I was sincerely scared AF!!

3) Listening to music - music outside of my own music genre!

Being an R&B/neosoul and now experimenting hip-hop artist, I have a plethora list of artists who I listened to and continue to listen to for inspiration. However, most recently I've been getting inspiration from music genres other than my own. I just came back from Cuba not too long ago and I fell deep in love with the Latin/Caribbean music! The benefits of listening to other types of music include:

a) You learn the different instruments used in different cultures

b) Creativity increases as you start experimenting with different sounds

c) Each music genre has its "emotional time slot". For example, if you're feeling stressed out, you may want to listen to jazz music where the tempo is slower and induces the brain to "chill out" vs. if you're feeling down in rut and need motivation, listening to hip-hop/rap may resonate more during this time as this genre tells stories about overcoming the obstacles and odds.

d) It makes me think a little more outside the box each time when I sit and write a new song.

Always learning!

4) Watching or reading documentaries/stories of successful individuals (famous/friends!)

I LOVE watching "behind the scenes" footages of Alicia Keys, Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Pharrell Williams when they are in the studio. The art of writing their hit singles doesn't get more real and raw than watching those videos. On my "Almost there...Valentino" blog, I mentioned Lily Singh's book, "How to be Bawse" and how reading that book helped me get myself out of my own personal rut and seeing how hard work and perseverance has gotten her to where she is now, inspired me to work hard at my music dreams - it's hard, it'll take time but I won't give up!! Closer to home, surrounding myself with amazing musicians - I am part of a local artist development group called YEG Music that helps local YEG artists grow and develop into the musicians they want to become. Through this family, I have met so many awesome musicians and friends who always inspire and push me to become the artist and musician I dream to be in the near future! -- Okok I'll stop playing the violin now! :)

5) Never stop practicing - but don't forget to take a break!

What I mean by this for me is during times when I feel like I have absolutely NO creative juice left, I find practicing the songs that I have completed can spark spontaneous new material! Just the other day I was practicing the songs off my CONNECTIONS EP album (HAVE YOU GOTTEN YOUR COPY YET? IF NOT THE LINK IS HERE!) for my next gigs and I stumbled across chord progressions that got my " creative feel good" vibes going! But at the same time, I'm starting to recognize when I need to take a small break - even if it's just a day or two because removing oneself from the "pressure" of having to write a new song can spark spontaneity at the most unexpected times which is why I always keep a notebook with me! Taking time away from the "pressure" was what helped me start writing my 2nd last song on my current album I'm working on!

Fellow singer/songwriters what are ways YOU help Inspiration win over Writer's Block? See you next Monday!

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