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Connections EP Album Release Recap & Reflection *Have you Gotten your copy yet?*

March 24 marks the big day for me when my musical dreams came true. No I'm not as big as Alicia Keys or Queen B (who am I kidding here?) and I'm not where a lot of other local YEG artists are in my musical endeavors , but the most important thing is that I feel that I've already made it. Never had I ever imagine that I could have my own EP album, my album release party and write music that people can relate to. It has taken probably a good 4 years for me to complete this project and at times, it felt like it was impossible given how long it was taking. But I am very proud of myself for persevering and completing this project. I have met a lot of great connections (haha no pun intended) for future music projects, new friends and learned that I have a huge, awesome, amazing and dope support system!! In addition, I am slowly realizing that I am pretty good at this music thing - I still have a lot work to do confidence-wise during live performances and build a greater stage presence but people actually love my songs and sounds. And because of the feedback that I'm receiving, I promise to continue to write more songs that comes from a place of honesty, vulnerability and worth.

Here are a few pictures from last Friday at my Connections EP Release party!

Look at the fully equipped stage @ Naked Cyber Cafe!

Only some of my amazing fans! hehe I am so lucky!

If you haven't gotten your copy of my Connections EP album, you can email, text, phone, and message me or buy off iTunes!!! I guarantee that you won't be disappointed! Words cannot describe nor express how grateful I am for all the support that I've already been receiving from friends and family! Always "connecting" with you!:)

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